If you want to
increase the quality and security of the potable water served to
your customers in your aircrafts, you hit the
right door ...
Our international team is commited to develop water technologies since 1996. You have
challenges ? We have solutions !

Aircraft Potable
Water Security
Your challenges
? Our Solutions !
> JetCrystal
XFC-CL : Download Datasheet
Disposable single
use Chlorination
Filling Cartridges for chlorination of Aircrafts potable filling
> JetCrystal
IWFC : Download Datasheet
Water Filter Cartridges to
prevent bacteriae and particule contamination of Aircrafts potable
water tanks and water systems.
Crystal - France
Toulouse Office
4, Rue de Caulet
31300 Toulouse- FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0)5 34 61 30 90
Fax : +33 (0)5 34 61 30 92
email: contact@jetcrystal.com
www: www.jetcrystal.com

JetCrystal Ltd.
95 Wilton Road - Suite 3
London - SW1V 1BZ - United Kingdom
email : contact@jetcrystal.com
www: www.jetcrystal.com
